Thursday, October 13, 2011

Liebel's Loot!!

The workers are ready, the Big Bucks are ready, and the store is open!  As a class, we decided to come up with chores that could be done in the classroom.  The students then mathematically came up with what they feel they should be paid a week ($6).  They also will be given $1 for homework completed.  However, if homework isn't completed, or things of theirs is found on the floor they owe the bank $1.  The kids are very excited to start their chores and earning Big Bucks to spend at Liebel's Loot!  
Here is the money!  Recognize the face? haha.

Liebel's Loot is now open!  Once a month the store will be open.  The children have the choice of spending their hard earned money or saving it for the bigger items.  I am very interested to find out who are the savers and who are the spenders!

The chores will be posted tomorrow.  The students will have a chance to apply for 3 positions.  Then will be interviewed for the jobs.  Good luck!

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