Monday, January 21, 2013

Poetry Unit: Newspaper Poem

So far in our poetry unit we have completed a free verse poem (The Best Part of Me).  Today we completed our newspaper poem.  
Newspaper poem is interesting words, phrases, or headlines that are cut of a newspaper and rearranged until a poem emerges.
We actually found this assignment really hard because we had to scan small, condensed words and put them together.  So, I tried to make it a bit easier.  They picked a topic, wrote three describing words about their topic, and then if they were in Grade 2/3 they had to write or find a sentence about their topic.  These are their creations.

Take in scents in his territory

By Tosh

The grizzly bears eat fish.
Grizzlies are a mammal
Animal, hunters, enormous

By James

Joseph it directly
dead, people, graves

By Josh

Jewelry, gems, glow

By Jack

Our Kindergarten students had to pick a topic and then find the letters to make their word.  Jack found pictures about Empire Penguins.

Ice Age Fox
Montana, Gray Wolf, hunting
Foxes are ghostly when hiding.
This fox is good at hunting snowshoe hares.
Ice Age Fox

By Alex

Kitty Cat
Happy, nails, hairballs.
Long-haired cats need more grooming.
Even though you let your feline friend strut around like she owns the place, the truth is she needs you.

By Sam

Make up, respectful, teeth

By Vanessa

Giants, paws, wildlife

By Lucy

Family, harm, stallions, herds
A lioness eyed grazing zebras for half an hour, weighing her chances of taking one down alone.
Born to roam.

By Seth

Samantha is also in Kindergarten and found pictures about owls.  She then found the letters to make the word. 

Polar Bears
weak, food, bear
New cubs on the ice hunt.
Females are protective of their cubs but tend to ignore family.
Polar Bears

By Daniel

Astronomer, The moon, astronaut
the big bang, telescopes, universe

By Emily


Unknown said...

That is funny! I love Sam's

Ms. Liebel said...

I know Marie! I love his too. You may have a poet on your hands!

Unknown said...

Sam said his partner cut out the sentences .. Sam forever fair refused to take credit! We still laughed!