Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Poetry Unit: Picture Poem

What is a picture poem?  
Picture poem is when the meaning is suggested by the arrangement of the words.
 The students were asked to describe their favourite sport using their senses (sounds, feelings, touching, etc).  These are their creations.  Pretty amazing hey?
Skiing is my favourite because it is the speed and I like going and jumping.

By Seth Gr. 3

Gymnastics.  I can do a front flip.  I can do a handstand.

By Vanessa Gr. 1

Bump!  Bump!  I dribble up the court.  I play basketball all the time.

By Josh Gr. 2

Thow! Thow!  I love hunting.  It is very gun.  You get to see animals.  You get meat and fur and claws and teeth.  Arrows are very silent.  Guns are loud.  You can hunt in the fall or winter.  It is fun.  It is neat.  The arrow flies through the air!

By Alex Gr. 3

I live at a lake.
Splish splash.
Diving.  I like to do 
cannon balls.  I like to 
collect rocks at the 

By Daniel Gr. 3

Jump.  Moguls,  Quick
Fast.  Get big air.  Pop high.
Freestyle.  I ski.  Swish swish

By Sam Gr. 3

You whack a ball.  You hit a ball with a racket.  I love tennis.  It is fun.  There is an end and you can win.

By Lucy Gr. 1

Have fun.  Meet new friends.  Go fast.  
Ski black diamond runs.
Blue runs and green runs.

By Jack DV Gr.1

Hunting.  I like it a lot.  We get to bring meat home for the family for breakfast.  I don't like violence.  I use arrows they make a swoosh sounds in the air.

By Jack MT Gr.K

Gymnastics.  I like the swing.  CRACK!  I did a somersault.  I can't do flips.

By Samantha Gr. K

I like the freedom.  I like diving in the water.  The water sounds like splash splash.  I love to swim.

By Tosh Gr. 2

Swosh! I run to the other side and kick a goal.  Yeah!  I run and get tackled.   The ball is made of leather.

By James Gr. 3

I like tennis.  Bounce Bounce.  I hit the ball.  I use a racket to play the game.

By Emily Gr.1

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