Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Extreme Writing

Last year I went to a Diana Cruchley workshop on inspiring writing.  She discussed the multiple ways to increase speed (fluency) and creativity.  Some helpful hints: write anything at all (don't lift pencil off of paper), model writing expectations, give them multiple topics for writing, create small booklets, write for 2 weeks then take a break, and make it a game.  She really believed in the last bit about making it a game.  Instead of calling it journals she said we need to entice the boys with Extreme Writing.  She said also to always make use a timer for the game feel (count down and buzzer style).  I did blog about Extreme Writing last year (click here

Thanks Liz for creating their Extreme Writing books.  The kids loved decorating the front.

 Class One: Story Elements
We are learning how to make a story in Creative Writing so this worked perfectly.  I had the students write a story with these three cards below.  They loved the character descriptions and giggled as we read them all out.  Most students wanted to do this activity again and really enjoyed it.

Class Two: Lists
This writing class I had them write a list out.  They chose the them (ex: space, animals, school, skiing, etc).  Then we went on the computers and made our words into art.  The website is here.  The only downfall to this program is that you can't use spaces or the words go everywhere and you can't save.  Otherwise, the kids absolutely love using this program (and going on the computers).

Class Three: Picture Write
This is one of my favourite extreme writing assignments.  I have to search the web for an interesting photo for the kids to write about.  I found this flooded street photo and thought it would be a great start to a story.

We did a few other assignments but unfortunately I didn't take photos of them.  We are all done our Extreme Writing and the books are ready for the kids to take home.

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