Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Kindergarten Math Mats

I am one lucky gal!  My mother-in-law is a primary teacher... but not an ordinary teacher.  She is an amazing, inspiring, go-getter teacher (and person for that matter).  She has been teaching for a long time and I really look up to her and all the amazing things she does.  This is one of her creations that I was fortunate enough to be given.  Math Mats!  

If you are a primary teacher these math mats are highly recommended.  These mats have two "sections" on them and the manipulatives have at least two characteristics.  The mats are great for my Kindergarten to practice counting.  We are working on making 5s.  We scramble our pieces up into the two sections.  We have a math mat sheet that we count the manipulatives in one section and then count them in the other section, then finally how many there is in total.  The best part of it... they are ALWAYS excited for their new math mats.  Karen (my mother in law) has probably made 20 or so of these packages.  They are so excited to work on the mats.

Here are a few examples of the math mats (but there is a whole box of them!)

Pretty amazing hey?  This is the worksheet I use to get my kinders counting.  They are getting better and better at it.  We are using dots to represent the amount in each section (we aren't quite there yet with printing our numbers).  Click on the picture for a free copy.

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