Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Simple Machines: Learning About Structures

This week we learned all about structures.  We learned about three types of structures (1) Natural Structures (2) Structures Made by Animals (3) Structures Made by People

Today we were able to make our own structures.  The kids were thrilled to be in teams with an assignment to build.  

One team built a marble slide from the table to the floor.  The one rule is the marble has to stay in the tunnel/slide the entire time.  

The other team built a bridge from table to table.  The object was to see how many cars could go on the bridge at one time.  The one rule was the bridge could not be taped to the desks.

I loved seeing them reinforce the bridge structure.

They were so proud of their work.  The marble slide!

They did a fantastic job.  The table bridge!

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