Sunday, November 3, 2013

Simple Machines: Inclined Plane

Last week we have been learning about the Inclined Plane (ramp).  The students were first taught what an inclined plane was then we had to EXPERIMENT!  The students first made a hypothesis whether or not a shorter plane or a longer plane would use more force/effort.  Then we tested out our hypothesis.  We started with the steeper/shorter plane and gradually went to a medium-sized plane, to a long plane.  The students quickly realized it was easier to move the brick up on a longer and more gradual slope.

Thank Mrs. Austin for setting up our inclined plane marble slide.  I bought this machine at Costco two years ago and last year it unfortunately was broken down.  However, I felt it was time to bring it back out especially now that we are learning about simple machines.

I bought these books from Mosaic Books in Kelowna.  The book is informative, simple, and well-illustrated.  I have only read the book about ramps to the kids but they are loving it.  I was very impressed with the book and it's a great introduction or review to a lesson.

We then tested out ramps making them by ourselves.  We had two stations where the children were able to build/experiment with a ramp using the wood provided or the imagination centre material.

Here is a very detailed ramp.

We sure enjoyed learning about ramps!  We are moving onto wedges this coming week.

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