Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today was our 100th day of school and we couldn't be more excited.  Boy did we celebrate!

The students were thrilled to walk through 100 tassels to come into our classroom today.  It's funny how just some pieces of paper hanging can really get them amped up.  I had no idea the kids were going to love it THAT much.

 The students had a guessing game as soon as they entered.  The kids even tried to count them all in the jars so they could really estimate not just guess.

In Math, we counted the 100 objects we brought to school and practiced skip counting by 10s.  We then used the objects to create an art piece.

At the end of the day, I thought I would leave them a little message in their agendas.  I am just so proud of these kids!

During the day, we used a app called Oldster to show us what we would look like at 100 years old.  It was a pretty scary site.  Some of them are going to be really cute 100 year olds!

I even decided to get into the spirit with a shirt that has 100 buttons on it!

We made 100 Day glasses to wear at the beginning of the day.

These cuties are 100 days smarter and proud of it!  I can't say enough.... aren't they absolutely adorable???

Here we just started adding our 100 day objects to the poster.  We ran out of time and didn't quite get everyone's objects on the poster just yet.

The kids loved playing this game in Math.  Roll to 100.  They played it over and over again with their friends.  If you are a parent from my class, print off 100 sheets and play this game with your child.  Great chance to practice number sense and they absolutely love it!

There is our day in a nutshell.  If you can believe it we did all of this between 8:30-10:00 am haha.  I know I am crazy right??? haha.  We had an art lesson in the afternoon with the Seniors so we had to jam-pack it all into the morning.

If you are interested in any of the worksheets or material I used for 100 Day I bought them from Erica Bohrer's 100th Day of School Activities

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