Thursday, April 3, 2014


The decision has been made we will explore Big White's beautiful outdoors for P.E. every Thursday.  The kids made this decision on our snowshoe today as they were collecting moss, sticks, and nature from the ground.  We are so lucky to have a forest surround our wonderful school.

The snowshoe crew!

Looks like someone is happy to be outside!!!! haha.

One thing I love doing with the kids is having them lie down on the snow and look up.  As they grow silent, they start to notice the trees movements and how they sway back-and-forth.  Four years ago, when I started this job we did this and the kids said the trees were dancing.  And that's just what those trees are doing…. dancing!  The kids started to hear all sorts of sounds, birds chirping, swooshing, and swaying… the song of nature!

 Enjoy your great outdoors!

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