Saturday, May 27, 2017

Louise Nevelson Inspired Art

I created this Prezi (click here) which I introduced to the kids.  We had the Juniors and the Seniors for this art lesson.  They were introduced to Louise Nevelson, an American sculptor, who paved the way for female artists.  

The children were so inspired and we had a theme to work with.   Our theme was royalty or wealth and what you hold close to your heart.  Lots of symbolism in each of their pieces and they placed their objects in a specific way to show what means the most to them.

This LARGE piece is on display in our hallway.  Come in and take a look at this glorious piece.  Also, we are having a contest for giving a title to this piece... some suggestions have been, "a heart of gold," or "The Royalty of Big White."

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