Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Science Journal - Frog Unit

Science journals or science notebooks are becoming a popular tool used in many science classrooms. These notebooks allow students to improve their communication skills in science. They provide a way for students to practice and enhance their scientific thinking, while at the same time integrating the subjects of reading, writing, science and math. For teachers, science notebooks are a valuable assessment tool that allows them to have a record of student growth and learning and to provide insight into students' thinking and comprehension.

I am new to using science journals and already love it!  We have completed our first section of our science journal and can't wait to do more.  We learned all about Frogs and can prove it!

Lesson One: KWL Chart - We wrote all the things we knew about frogs on our title page.

The next day we wrote all about the things frogs eat.  We decided to hide the answers underneath our lily pads.

Lesson Three: We listened to a frog story and labelled all the parts of a frog.

Lesson Four: We were taught about the life cycle.  The kids loved this lesson and moving the bar back and forth.

The same day we also did this small cut and paste life cycle page.

This was one of my favourite lessons.  I created this My Frog Book and had the kids listen to a story and then answer the questions (the inside of the book is below).

This was a very useful page for the kids to always go back to for answers.  They loved colouring the frogs all different colours.

Lesson 6: We answered the fill in the blank questions and learned about the colours of various frogs.

Lesson 7: We learned what a Venn Diagram and the difference between a frog and toad.  I used this great book that compared frogs and toads and then wrote these facts on the board.  Finally the students then had to figure out where they belong.

Lesson 8:  The last lesson in our Frog Unit.  They had to show me what they learned.  I tried to come up with a neat way to cover their answers when writing.  Most kids didn't really get it and wrote on the tabs but that makes it pretty interesting too.  The kids surprised me with how much they remembered... even my kindergarten knew most of the answers!

STAY TUNED!  I will be posting the unit we did for teachers to download.

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