Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Surprises at School!

We painted easter eggs!  (Thank you to all the parents who helped out on this project and thank you to Lori for bringing in the eggs and dye!)

Adam being blindfolded by Carmen

Daniel and Dillon

Noah and Cole

Issac and Will 

Daniel and Dillon on the hunt.

Rosie and Carmen

The Easter Egg Hunt - I surprised the kids by hiding the easter eggs in the classroom.  The trick was that they had to pair up and one student had to be blind folded while the other one told him or her directions on how to get to the egg.  

Noah and Cole on the hunt.

Issac leading Will to his eggs.

Alex helping Adam find his way.

Alex working with Adam.

Dillon helping Daniel find his eggs.

Now the roles have switched and Daniel helps Dillon.

Found one!

It doesn't look like Adam needs much help with directions.

Rosie leading Carmen around the class.

Noah doing the happy dance everytime he found an egg.

In the basket it goes!

Rosie and Carmen help out Alex.

Daniel showing off his treats!

Dillon showing off his candy pop!

Will showing off his easter sucker!

Thank you to my mom and grandma for purchasing all the wonderful easter treats for our class.  We had such a great day!

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