Friday, May 25, 2012

Have You Been In Our Classroom?

I was thinking about it and I know there are a lot of people who have never been to our classroom so I thought.... why not give a tour?

Here is our book bins.  We have silent/buddy reading everyday.  On Monday's they choose 4 books at their level and must read all four of those books for a week.  It's great for having the kids sitting the entire time of reading.

This is our Word Work Station for spelling.  On Wednesday's we spell our words using different manipulatives.  

We love to play with these two items.  We use them when we dance, play, and more.

This is our Liebel Loot Store!  It only opens once a month for the students to spend their moolah!

This is our craft shelve.  There is a ton of stuff on this shelf including the hand sanitizer the kids use at recess.

This is our play area.  We have a great variety of toys, building blocks, puppets, and more.  We are so lucky!

Look at all our toys!

More toys!  At the top of this shelf is our listening centre books and cd's.

This is above our toy area.  These are the chores the kids have in our classroom.

This is one of my favourite bulletin boards.  So bright and colorful!

This is our listening centre and also a table we use all the time for group work.

Calendar/carpet time.  We spend lots of time here.  We have tons of friends here too!  Carl our catfish, Watsup our Walrus, Avalanche our Teddy Bear, and more.  

This is our classroom library.  All the books are sorted by their reading level from A to Z and then theme books above that.  We have a ton of books!  We are all obsessed with our library in this classroom.

Here is my space!  My desk and all its glory! haha.  

Locker area.

Classroom from the back of the room.  Yes! We have the DELUXE SmartBoard!

This is from the front of the classroom.

Another favourite bulletin board right now.  The children we are learning about from all over the world.  The most recent one was Erdene from Mongolia and Esta from Tanzania.

Thanks to Karen Austin I have these amazing tupperware containers full of things that start with the letter labeled.  My kindergarten love sorting these bins, figuring out what they are, and trying to spell the words out.

This is on the front of door.  The Giving Tree.  One of my favourite books! (I have a lot of favourites!)

Well I hope you enjoyed the tour.  If you do live far away or have never been to our classroom I hope you now feel like you know our classroom pretty well.  If you do come into the classroom all the time now you might know why we have some of the stuff we do have.

Happy Friday!

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