Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rock Unit: Sedimentary Rocks Part Two

Meet Ms. Sedimentary!

She taught us all that Sedimentary rocks are made up of layers!

I wasn't too sure if the kids were really going to get anything from this lesson on Sedimentary Snacks but I thought I would try.  It ended up being one of the best lessons EVER to teach them how this rock is formed.

I made the treat the night before the lesson and just pretended to make it today.

This part of the lesson is when the kids really put it all together!  I started the lesson saying that my hands were water and the graham cracker is a rock.  Then I started to crush the "rock" into sediment (aka crumbs).  After I made a layer of coconut, and a layer of chocolate chips.  Then I tried to serve them the treat but it kept falling apart.  The kids said to me you need to squish it so I did.  It still fell apart!  Then a Kindergarten student, Jack came up with the idea that we need to bake it!  I was just so impressed and delighted when I heard this.

And of course, the rock tasted delicious.

I love Sam's expression.

Here is the Sedimentary Snack taken from this Rock Unit Package.

After our delicious lesson, we investigated our favourite Sedimentary rock and wrote about ti.  Daniel (above) chose to write about Alablaster, which is the rock lamp I brought to school.

Below are answers that make me laugh.  This is one of the many reasons I love having Kindergarten in our multi-grade classroom.

The rock needs to be put in the oven!  I think she really got the point of our Sedimentary Snack!

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