Thursday, October 17, 2013

Simple Machines and Fire Chief for a Day

Today was an exciting day for Samantha and Carmen.  They were fire chiefs for a day!  They were picked up at their homes, taken out for lunch, and then picked up after school.  These two were very lucky gals.

We continued on our path of learning simple machines today.  The students were introduced to Bill Nye.  I haven't seen a Bill Nye video in a long time and was so happy to see a simple machines video on you tube.  Today was just the introduction to all the simple machines and after the video we did some building.

We have a science nook for our simple machines unit.  We have gone over structures and a introduction to all six simple machines.  Next week, we start breaking down each machine.

Here is some snapshots of our builders in action.  I can't believe how focused and excited they are to build using simple machines.  They were all trying to make cranes, pulleys, levers, etc.

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