Friday, March 28, 2014

Ready for the Littles

I recently just got back from Mexico and I am feeling full of warmth, relaxation, and happiness.  It was a bit of a shock to my system to come back to inches and inches of snow.  However, we do have snow in June so it isn't that crazy!  I have spent the last couple of days coming into the school for a couple of hours to get ready for those cute littles.  The room is nice and clean, the floors are waxed, and new eye-catching books are out on display.

My Dad made this amazing puppet theatre/grocery store.  We always have it in our classroom and I alternate it as a puppet theatre and a grocery story.  A colleague came to my classroom over Spring Break and she mentioned making a flower shop in her classroom.  What a great idea!  Maybe that will be a good change for next month.

Our reading nook has been invaded by our circus tent.  This tent is so large that I have a hard time finding a spot for it.  The reading nook will just have to do for now and I know the kids will be happy to see it's return.  

Happy Friday Everyone!

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