Wednesday, April 23, 2014

{Earth Day}

Yesterday was Earth Day!  As a class, we are learning about healthy eating and decided to make Earth Day a waste-free lunch.  I found this great PDF on a waste-free lunch.  

We also celebrated Earth Day with conserving energy and turning most of the lights off in the whole school while we were learning.

I used Sarah Cooley's We Heart Our Earth Unit from TPT.  We started our math lesson with an Earth Day grid.  My students love puzzles and were so excited to do this worksheet.  They even added other pictures to the graph and made students answer the questions.

We also talked about some important concepts happening to our Earth (i.e. global warming, pollution, recycling, etc).  At the end of the day, we made these adorable Litterbugs!  The kids loved creating these bugs while we watched some of the movie, The Lorax.

This has nothing to do with Earth Day but I was so excited to share this big book with you.  I am doing the Animated Alphabet with my Kindergartens.  Weekly, we would do a directed drawing and learn how to spell the word.  There were so many drawings and they were taking up so much space on the bulletin board so it dawned on me that they need to be in a book.  The Kindergarten know all these words and they can draw them all.  This is one of their favourite books to read.

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