Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Today was an exciting day in the classroom.  We were able to do two experiments today in Science.  The first experiment was the Balloon Blow-Up Experiment.  The students made a prediction about what they thought was going to happen.  

We started to mix the baking soda and vinegar.

The students were getting so excited and nervous.  They thought we were going to have an explosion for sure!

Haha I love this shot…. students are now hiding under the table!

 Second experiment!  We created Elephant Toothpaste.  I knew this was going to really wow the crowd!

Again, the reactions are priceless!

This time, when they realized it wasn't going to explode they really got in close!

Of course, we had to do the experiment again with different colours.

Then we felt the exothermal heat being released from the foam.  

This young boy absolutely loves Science class….. if you didn't already notice!

Exploring and using our senses.

I love Science experiment days!  What a great day for the kids to really explore gas in action.

I have created this worksheet for students to use when we do experiments.  It's very simple but so effective.  I used to have clipart images and borders on the sheet but realized it just takes up space for the children to create their own images.  I will sometimes change it up with each experiment and the simplicity of this worksheet helps.  I will share examples of student work tomorrow!  Click on the image to download your free worksheet.

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