Friday, May 23, 2014

Field Trip to O'Keefe Ranch

This week we took a trip to O'Keefe Ranch in Vernon.  It was an amazing experience where we got to go back in time and experience the "olden" days!  We toured a Mansion and were able to sit in rooms that children were not allowed in.  We toured the general store and we were able to buy old fashion candy.  We did a tour of the cooks house, the meat and dairy shop, the cattle shop, and the church.  We also went to the graveyard and did some tombstone rubbings.  Finally, we visited (my favourite part) the old school house and what school would have been like for teachers and students.  The teachers had many rules that I am so glad do not apply today but the classroom was absolutely perfect.  I put the images in black and white to really give the feel of old but it was so bright and cheery in that room with all the windows, colourful maps, bright wood desks.  The classroom is next to the farm and a wonderful creek.  I tell ya I honestly would not mind teaching currently in that classroom.

The private schoolroom located in the Mansion.

In the museum.

The Post Office in the General Store.

The General Store.

The Candy Shop in the General Store.

The Schoolhouse.

The students were all able to experience the desks from this time.  Funny enough I actually sat in those kinds of desks when I went to school so I wouldn't say it has changed that much.  In fact, I love the idea of the chair not moving and being stuck to the desk.

The farm animals were all beautiful but the students were in love with this peacock.

A house (I forget the family name) located next to the schoolhouse and the farm.  What a beautiful location for a house.

Touring the farm.

The schoolhouse in the background and the farm next door.  I was in heaven!

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