Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Matter, Matter, Matter

Well, this post is sort of random but exciting all at the same time.  Lots of exciting things are happening in our classroom!
Our very first completed 25 book challenge!  This lucky gal earned $100 big bucks for completing this book challenge.

Mrs. Austin made us rainbow kabobs for my birthday yesterday.  The kids were all very happy to have this at snack time.  Thanks Mrs. Austin!

I was absolutely spoiled by my wonderful students.  I was presented with flowers, cupcakes, and soap for our classroom sink!

I was also given all these great cards!  I am one lucky gal!

Today in Science we created the fan favourite, Oobleck!  Simple experiment yet so effective.  After the experiment, we did a class survey on the flip chart shown above.

Later in the day, we read this book on matter and I highly recommend it.  Great book for putting matter into perspective.

The activity below was done in an earlier lesson.  I used this matter package for making the scientists.  The kids did such a great job and I truly believe we are matter experts!

I created my own worksheet based around brain pop jr. movie, Changing States of Matter.  If you would like the worksheet click here for your free copy.

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