Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Field Trip Review

As a teacher, I never really did much about our field trip afterwards (other than journaling).  However, I thought of a great idea that I think will not only be valuable but a wonderful keepsake of our trip to look at all year.  

So today I printed the field trip photos and did some review with the kiddies.  Man, I was so impressed with what they remembered.  They really did take in a lot from our trip!  The pictures below are of our big book that we will have in our classroom library.  The children came up with the words (I was just the writer).  I asked the kids to create three small images: one of their favourite apple, one of their favourite part from the Museum, and finally their favourite part from the farm.  You will see little details the children created throughout the book.  

How cute is this book?!?! I can't wait to show them the finished product tomorrow.  They are going to be so thrilled.

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