Thursday, November 6, 2014

6+1 Writing on Ideas!

Today we learned that we need to have ideas to write stories.  We also learned that it is important to stay focused on the topic and use lots of juicy details.  We read a book called Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge.  It is about an older woman that is losing her memory and a little boy that brings her things to remember.  As a class, we brought in an item from home that would help us create a great idea.  We then wrote about that object, why it is important to us, and the memory it holds.  

It is really important to display the children's writing as much as I can and I felt a photo of them with their objects would really create a strong connection with the kids and their writing.

Come in and take a look at our bulletin board in the hallway.

Liebel Loot was open today!  The kids will be coming home with some goodies!

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