Thursday, November 8, 2012

Calendar Time

I am slowly learning how to teach four grade of calendar time at once.  I am constantly battling to figure out how challenge the Grades 2/3 yet create an independent calendar time at once.  I have decided to create independence at calendar time for everyone.  In hopes of helping everyone!

I have a few templates I like to use for my higher grades: Calendar #1 = easier version + free.  Calendar #2 = harder + not free.  Calendar #3 = perfect for their level now + free.

Here is what I created for my grades K and 1 to do during calendar time.  My hope is to get them doing what the grade 2/3's are doing, and have the grade 2/3's doing something else independently later in the school year.  The little ones are so excited to be working in their very own calendar books.  

This part is their favourite.  Finding the sticker that matches how they feel.

I will be posting these documents so you can grab your own copy.

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