Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Field Trip Day!

Today we had a field trip to Kelowna.  Our first stop was the Art Gallery we learned about sculptures and viewed the galleries exhibition for Richard Prince.  We were so lucky to build our own sculptures with miscellaneous items in the brown paper bag.
We were excited to open our paper bags and see what's inside.

Sculpture making!

The second stop was lunch.  We played at City Park in Kelowna.  We stopped to see the Ogopogo.

Final stop, the Kelowna Museum.  We learned about mummifying, pyramids, pharaohs, and more.

These rock beetles were wrapped with the mummies.  They were to ward off bad spirits from preventing them to their after life.

Canopic jar (the jar in the background) is used to hold the organs of the mummies.  This particular jar held the stomach.  The only thing left in the mummy was its heart.  They thought the heart was were all the thinking occurred.  The only organ thrown out was the brain, which they felt was useless and never used!

Stories in hieroglyphs drawn on papyrus.  Papyrus is a large leaf dried. 

Rosetta Stone.

We mummified oranges!  We used similar stuffing the Egyptians used a combination of baking soda and salt.  The students gutted out the juices of the orange and filled it with "drying" powder.

What a great day of learning.  We really learned so much today!

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