Tuesday, February 26, 2013

David Seven Deers

Today we had an elder visit us from the Boundary area.  Thanks to Pete, Kim, Brett, and Vanessa they built us a seating circle outside to sit.  Mr. Seven Deers first lit the fire, and placed tobacco around the circle (as symbol of welcoming and gathering).  Then he had sage in a shell and lit that.  He walked around the circle and released the smoke from the sage into the air.  The sage (I believe) was used to clear the air of negative emotions and thoughts.  I was amazed at how much I was learning and I know I am missing pieces but these are the things I took from the experience and remember.

He spoke about his family and the history of his ancestors.  The animal representation in his family and the way he applied it to the totem poles he built.

He discussed what an elder is and the way an elder should be treated.  He also talked about the respect for your brothers and sisters and that nature is our brothers and sisters.  We need to acknowledge their presence and ask for their permission if we need them for something.

After he read to us one of his books, Heelah's Traum (Traum meaning dream).  The story had such intricate illustrations and the kids were really interested in his story.  

We are so thankful and happy we met Mr. Seven Deers.  He was a great inspiration for myself as a teacher, and for the kids about our history.  I really felt like he left a valuable lesson with us all.  I know that I will take many things from this experience. 

Thanks Ms. Hanson for setting this up and making it all happen!

Mr. Seven Deers has a website if you would like to learn more about him.  I enjoy this quote I found on his website.

"Dreams have shown me my way
and have always given important advice.
I have always followed and respected my Dreams."

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