Saturday, April 27, 2013

Story Writing and Reading Inspiration

Today I finally went through one of the newsletters from Alphabet Glue.  I am so excited to add these small pieces into the kids everyday writing.
I set up a library basket next to our classroom books.  I am hoping this will inspire play with it being a library.

We are currently learning how to make a story.  This will be great writing prompts for the students to incorporate in their stories.  They each will get three cards and have to use all three in their story.  

We already have a reading log but this is so cute that I think I will switch my old one for this new fresh one.

Bookmarks for everyone.  I printed them on card stock and they will be reading their books and marking down while they read whether the book was great, okay, or not so great.

I am so excited for the kids to make these tiny, tiny boxes.  I don't know what it is with kids and tiny little trinkets but they love them.

Happy Weekend!

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