Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Space Unit: Special Guest Lewis Presents!

Today we had a special, special guest... Lewis Brunt from Grade 6.  I noticed Lewis was doing a presentation on Extreme Weathers in Space in the Senior Class and really wanted him to present to the Juniors.  We sure were in for a treat!  Lewis did an amazing job teaching the Juniors all about Space and the Juniors had some great questions (which Lewis answered them all and correctly).  He discussed not only the weather but matter, the Big Bang Theory, the names of planets, Earth orbiting on it's axis, the Equator, seasons, etc.  


This is Lewis amazing project.  It was made inside a shoebox!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Lewis - or "Prof Lewi" as some parts of his family know him - we are sure he is going to be a typical "absent minded professor/inventor" - but we love him.
A very proud Nanna and Paul.