Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Field Trip to the Museum and Curling Rink

Last week, we went to Kelowna for a field trip.  Our first stop was the Kelowna Curling Club.  We learned all about curling rules and then we got to try a fews slides, some sweeping, and throw a few rocks in the house.

Here are the cuties ready to curl!

After curling, we head to the Kelowna Museum to learn all about Owls.  We learned about all different types of owls, how they live, what they eat, etc.  We even dissected an owl pellet to see what they eat.

This week, we would like to welcome back Jack for another great winter school year.  Yes, we now have three Jack's in our classroom.  Great to have you back Jack!

I couldn't help but post a couple more cuties.  I am lucky to have such cute neighbours (whom I also teach!).

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