Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Catch Up

Boy-oh-boy do I have a lot of catching up to do (this might be a long post but I promise it will be filled with cute kiddos).  Sorry I haven't been so good with blogging we have been busy bees around here and it's taken me a while to get organized.  We have had such an amazing, sunny, fun-filled February!  I absolutely love taking photos of these adorable kidlets that I wanted to share just a few of them (I will have to catch the others I missed the next time we have a sunny day).

Precious aren't they?  Last week, we were very fortunate to have a guest speaker up here at Big White. Mr. David Seven Deers came to visit us and tell us stories from his new children's book, as well as, traditions his family does.  Thanks to the Hutchinson's for building this amazing snow dome for the kids to sit on.

 We also had our Valentine celebration's last week and boy did we have fun!  In the morning we opened our Valentine bags, read all the wonderful notes from our friends, and said our thank you's to each other.  

I created these Valentine's for the students and was very happy with the results.

That day we had some special guests coming to join us.  We had Beaverdell Elementary visit our school and celebrate in the festivities.  We were busy with math centres, Valentine's centres, cookie decorating, Valentine Bingo, and we even went tubing!  There are very few pictures of the day because we were all having too much fun (no time to bring out the camera).
Here is our Valentine centre where we created big "purse hearts" to give to our friends and family.

At this centre, we created Valentine heart creatures with googly eyes and all!

This was a busy station because (a) my kids love word searches and colouring pages (b) they received $5 big bucks for every page completed.  I had no idea most of my kids were going to persevere and stay at this station the whole time haha.

Here is a clip of us trying to make history in tubing.  We tried to get all 57 of us down the hill at one time.  Didn't quite happen!

Today was Wacky Hair and PJ Day at school.  We all agree waking up and not having to change or do our hair is pretty much the best way to come to school.  We all felt very comfy at school today!

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