Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Giving Tree

Today we read one of my favourite books, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.  I wanted them to understand how to give valuable gifts that cannot be purchased.  As well, to become aware of the gifts we have within ourselves to give to others.  It is sure a powerful lesson that I plan to be reminding the students of throughout the year.  

After we read the book and had a discussion we decided to paint our own giving tree.  Everyone really liked this activity.

We also made apples to go on the tree with things that we could give (that don't cost money).  The students were absolutely adorable about the things they would give.

 Tomorrow, we plan to add our apples to the tree just outside our classroom door.  I am so proud of their art.  They did such a great job!

The Giving Tree is all done and ready for you to admire.  Come on in and take a look!

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