Wednesday, February 26, 2014

♥ Pink Shirt Day ♥

Today was Pink Shirt Day at school and I thought I would post a bit about what we did to recognize this day.  If you are unfamiliar with Pink Shirt Day just click on this link and it will take you to the website with more information.

I came across this video from a colleague on pinterest (Thanks Jen!).  The kids absolutely loved the clip and it was a good, light-hearted video.

Then we read one of my favourite books.  I actually duplicated a page in this book and painted it for my Grandma (I posted it below).  If you haven't read this book it is a must!

Then we had a bit of a discussion on how to treat others and created these cute people to go around a world.  

I think this turned out so cute.  I am still thinking about a title or words that I can put in the middle of the world.  Any suggestions??

The kids were all about the love and hugs today.  What did you do today to recognize Pink Shirt Day?

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