Friday, April 25, 2014

{{The Best}}

You know those days weeks that are just so good that you can't believe how lucky you could possibly be??? Well I got to bask in such a treat all this week.  My dream job I tell you!  I have the best kids, the best job, the best class… you get the point.  I am one lucky gal!  The weather has been, well, snowy lately and so today we took off into the forest for an adventure!

Don't these littles just melt your heart?!?!

I had to show both shots!  I unzipped the top of his coat and that is what was hiding underneath…. teeth!

The snowshoe gang today!

We are always very serious and we never have any fun!

 Snowshoeing with these littles consist a lot of looking for moss, trekking into small places, and well, lots of rest!

 We collected just a little bit of moss on our journey today.  They decided as a class that they would share all the moss and each child had a piece of bark plate and they divided it all equally.

 Arnold even helped collect the moss and maybe eat a bit of tree bark too.

This hill is just at the base of our school field.  I thought I would make them work really hard at the tail end of our trip.

After pushing all those little ones up the mountain I noticed the last person to still make it up….. was me!

I don't want to keep telling you how great it is up here BUT this forest is our backyard and we get to explore it any day we like!  Have a great weekend everyone!

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