Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Field Trip to Beaverdell (+Frankie's Farm)

Yesterday we went on an amazing field trip to visit our friends at Beaverdell.  Immediately we were so excited to be at their school where there was NO snow!  We were also fortunate enough to visit Mr. Frankie's Farm in Beaverdell.  He had so many animals: sheep, goats, cows, bulls, peacocks, rabbits, horses, chickens, and much more.  Here are only a few of the adventures we got up to in Beaverdell.

This little sheep was pretty special.  He was so small he could fit through the fence and he loved to come out and greet us.  

Mr. Frankie handed out apples to our students, quite quickly he realized he had to state that these apples were for the animals and no longer good to eat ourselves.

The BULL!  We weren't allowed to get to close to this guy but he sure kept an eye on us!

We were very fortunate to not only see the peacocks but we were each allowed to take a peacock tail feather home.

Baby rabbits that were only 2 weeks old!

The baby goats loved to chew on our hair, clothes, or anything they could get their little lips on!

Mr. Frankie also taught us how to milk a goat.  

Mud!  We were sure excited to play and walk through mud!

Mr. Frankie has a very special farm that has tons of fun things for kids to do including a trampoline, tire swing, and a horse tire swing.

Finally, just as we were heading back to school Mr. Frankie brought out a very soft, young rabbit (4 weeks).  The rabbit was adorable and every child wanted to take that rabbit home with us.

We had so much fun with our friends in Beaverdell.  We are so thankful for all the work Mrs. Eaton put in to organize this special day.  I am pretty sure I have a few farmers in my classroom now!

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