Thursday, May 1, 2014

Properties of Matter

We are learning about Matter in Science and today the students were able to feel and describe every state of matter.  The activity doesn't require a lot of prep work but WOW did it really hit home with the kids and boy did they love the experiment.  I filled four balloons with a variety of matter: water, ice (put  water balloon in freezer), air, and beans.  We had a quick talk about molecules and what the difference is between solid and gas (as well as their similarities).  Then we headed into our assignment.

We had four mystery bags (labels for bags and science experiment idea was found here).  I created the worksheet to suit my kids level and what I wanted them to get out of the activity.  If you are also interested in doing this experiment click here for my worksheet.

Here is an example of a Grade 1 completing the worksheet.

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