Sunday, September 21, 2014

Back to School

Tomorrow we head back to school and I couldn't be more excited to start.  I have had a wonderful break but I'm ready and pumped to be back in the classroom with all my littles.  The students and parents have been doing a substitute school for the last two weeks and they must've been taught how to tie dye.  I was so surprised when they came running out from the village with these adorable onesies to give to me.  Aren't the kids and parents here the best?  I was so touched and happy.  Jenn and I are both so excited to put our little one in these cute onesies!

The supplies is all ready!

My desk area is all ready!

The classroom library is all ready!

The calendar area is ready for the little ones.  Even Arnold is growing impatient for the kids to come!

The listening centre is ready!

The atelier is ready!

The toy area is ready and the water fountain is running.

Our little reading nook is ready!

We will be learning about members in our community.  I am so excited for us to start this unit.

We will also be learning lots and lots about apples!  I bought this apple unit from TPT and I am excited to use parts of it for my lesson planning.

The hallway bulletin board is ready to be filled with all the students wonderful drawings and writing.  
The classroom and their teacher are all very much ready!!! Tomorrow it all begins and I couldn't be more excited.

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