Thursday, June 26, 2014

End of The Year Awards

In the past, we would hand out only a few awards to only a few students and I always struggled with it.  I definitely understand that sometimes in life you get recognized and sometimes you don't but the age that I'm teaching I don't think they quite get that concept.  In all honestly they are just learning about themselves, how to socialize, how to be a friend, how to learn, etc. that they have enough on their plate.  Anyways, my point is, that last year we started to hand out awards to each child that really made their personalities shine.  The kids loved the fun, quirky awards and they ALL left with big smiles and their heads up high.  I don't mean to brag but I have the most amazing students.
This year I decided to make the certificates a little more professional and I bought them from Fabulous in First TPT store.  Well worth the money and the time that I would've had to have spent to make something not as beautiful as these.  I know the kids will love them!

The best gift of all.  Jenn, or better known as, Mrs. Austin made these amazing, BEAUTIFUL artist pencil cases.  I am just so impressed with her talents and the kids are going to flip when they see them.  She made one for each child and they all have different colours and styles.

All in all I am sad to see my little ones leave me for two months but in my situation I am quite lucky because I will be seeing them all again next year!  It will be weird not having my role models (Grade 3s) not in the classroom anymore but I always make sure to bug them in the Senior classroom every once in a while haha.

Happy Summer Everyone!  Enjoy the sunshine, the little things, the adventure, and most of all the laughs.

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