Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

I always find Father's Day gifts the hardest to create.  I absolutely loved my coworker's idea that she did with the Seniors.  They created Super Dad Cookie Jar Mix.  Since I don't have a picture I will do my best to describe.  She had the kids put the ingredients to make the cookies in a mason jar with only blue, red, and yellow smarties.  Then the kids each had a piece of superman fabric to put on the top of their jars.  Finally, they attached the recipe with a string.  Cute hey?  Anyways I found some inspiration in a book about making your very own doll.  That got me thinking and the idea to make our very own Dad Doll came about.

First step: The students paint, YES PAINT, on their desks their Dad.  I had the students put a ruler next to their painting to remind them to keep it under 30 cm.  We just used acrylic paint but I am sure fabric paint would be nicer.

Step Two:  The student get a piece of white fabric and stamp their Dad.  They were reminded not to rub but to pat with an open hand.  The fabric was an old white sheet that I had lying around.

 Step Three: We let the paint dry and added extra flair with fabric paint pens.  Then we dove into the sewing.  Each child had a needle and yarn-like thread.  The kids are familiar with weaving and making bookmarks so they didn't have too much of an issue with this step.  However I noticed the stuffing could come out between the holes of their Dad Doll so I took them home and ran them through the sewing machine.

Voila!  You have your very own Dad Doll!
Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Dad's out there.  I know I am very lucky to have such an amazing man in my life whom I get to call Dad.  He is one tough cookie but has one soft heart.  Love you Dad!

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