Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Making Apple Sauce and Learning about Seeds

We are learning all about apples.  I found this cute freebie for my little ones to help sort and read when they have some free time.  Yes, it is mixed up on purpose but the kids will come along and move them around and find its proper owner every once in a while.
Click here for the this freebie from The First Grade Parade.

 We then compared seeds of different fruit.  We even created a bar graph after we did some comparing.

We just had to make apple sauce.  This was a huge hit.  The kids LOVED using the apple peelers to make the sauce.  Here is the apple sauce recipe.

Mmm, all day we could smell the wonderful apples and cinnamon cooking away.  We absolutely loved every bite of our apple sauce.  It was a big success!

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