Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Great Apple Investigation

We are learning all about apples and what a fun math lesson it was today investigating apples.  I created the booklet for the students to investigate with. 

Zoe and Samantha are measuring how much their apple weighs.  The girls were floored when they realized their estimate of 5 snap cubes was no where near the real answer.

Taya and Mrs. Austin are measuring the height of their apples.

V and Darrah are measuring the height of their apples too.

The girls are measuring how long their apples are around.

I love this photo because Logan is teaching Elliot how to touch count the snap cubes.  Warms my heart :)

Erika is measuring how tall her apple is.

The boys are solving the answer of whether their apples float or sink!

The students loved cutting into their apples and taking the seeds.  They wanted to scatter the seeds all over Big White so we can have apple trees up here.  I love fall and everything it entails!

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