Friday, October 3, 2014

Spelling and Writing in Our Classroom

In our classroom, we practice spelling using the program Words Their Way.  We are assessed with specific words and then how the students spell those words they are put into groups.  All working on words at their level however can work together to discover the pattern or rule of their spelling sort.

On Monday's we cut and sort our words.  We sort the words probably three times in one class that day and read the sort to ourselves and to a friend.  Finally, we write our sorted words in our writing book.

On Tuesday, we sort again and read the words out again.  We highlight on our star words the rule.  Then we have to come up with a certain amount of sentences using those spelling words.

On Wednesday, which was the day I took the pictures below we sort and read the words again.  Then we get to use whiteboards and practice spelling our words (as if it were a test).  The kids love this day!

Yeah for spelling!!!!

In creative writing we learned about writing in code.  I found this great freebie online from The Teacher Wife.  I presented the lesson with a very confusing letter to the class.  Then I brought out the amazing secret decoder and the kids were hooked.

We started our secret writing as a class.  We all learned how to write Hi, how are you?  Some of the older students were able to start writing more.  We all thought that writing in code is very special.

Even our Kindergarten student was excited to write to his Dad in code.

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